Friday, 16 March 2012

Even More Reasons To Visit Your Dentist

Have you ever heard the saying that "your eyes are the window to your soul"? Well, your mouth is a window to your health. More people are understanding the importance of regular visits to their dentist for the health of their teeth. But what about for their overall health? Can your dentist really help diagnose non-dental diseases? Yes, as a matter of fact, they can! Some of the non-dental related diseases that your dentist can help detect include: sexually transmitted diseases (STD), diabetes, heart disease, and even several types of cancerous diseases. When your dentist performs an oral exam, he or she is looking in your mouth for signs of different diseases such as inflammation, bleeding, dry mouth or sores, and suspicious areas around the gum line.
Many dentists also routinely take their patient's blood pressure prior to any procedure, (especially if local anesthesia is administered). There are many instances where patients have high blood pressure and not even know it. During a routine oral exam, your dentist may also check areas on your head and neck for suspicious lesions.
Just a few more reasons why seeing your dentist on a regular basis is vital to your teeth and your overall health. So, when was your last dental check-up?

A Rise in Cavities Among Toddlers

Tuesday March 13, 2012
Last week, the New York Times had an article about the increasing number of small children who have significant tooth decay . Significant enough to have to undergo I.V. sedation in order to treat their dental needs. I have always been aware of an increase of cavities in preschool children among the lower income families (mainly due to lack of proper dental care or access to dental care). This article was truly alarming because it pointed out that this problem no longer primarily affects lower income families but affects preschoolers of all income levels.
The article describes specific cases where an upper middle class mom didn't think about brushing her young child's teeth until she noticed that they were discolored. As it turned out, this child had 11 cavities. She claimed she had such a busy life that it didn't occur to her that it was important to take the time to brush them properly.
Many parents also claim that they simply were not informed about when to start taking their child to the dentist or even when they should start using fluoride toothpaste. Another reason parents aren't brushing their child's teeth properly is because they are stating that toddlers simply do not like to have their teeth brushed. So in order to avoid the screaming and crying that occurs during these brushing sessions, they will choose not to brush their teeth. Another increase in toddler cavities comes from drinking high sugar juice or other sugary drinks before bedtime or even throughout the day. This sugar sits on children's teeth and the acid it produces creates the decay.
In no way am I saying that these parents are cruelly negligent or "bad", they are just no properly informed as to the importance of maintaining toddler's teeth. Even though baby teeth are eventually replaced, they serve such an important purpose and need to be kept healthy and around for as long as they are needed.
What we need is better information that is more readily available to everyone with young children.

Can Licorice Really Treat and Prevent Tooth Decay?

Thursday March 1, 2012
There's a new study from the American Chemical Society (ACS) that has shown that the properties in dried licorice root can actually kill the bacteria that causes tooth decay and gum disease. This same licorice root is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine as flavoring and to help enhance the potency of other ingredients.
You are probably most familiar with licorice as a beloved candy. What is not commonly known is that although we still name this well-known candy licorice here in the U.S., it is not actually licorice. The real ingredient that gives the candy its licorice flavor is the oil of anise.
The licorice addressed in this study is an actual dried licorice root used by natural health practitioners for medical conditions and illnesses (mainly respiratory and digestive). It is important to note that modern medicine has not approved the use of licorice as a treatment for any ailment and patients should always speak with their doctors prior to taking any herbal supplement.
The properties in dried licorice root that appear to play a role in fighting tooth decay and gum disease are known as licoricidin and licorisoflavan A. ACS has shown that these substances have proven effective at killing two of the bacteria that causes cavities as well as the bacteria that causes gum disease.
This is exciting information for both the dental professional and patient. If we can safely and effectively kill the bacteria which causes 80% of dental problems, then imagine what that would mean for the many children and adults who do not have regular access to routine dental care.

Lack of Dental Insurance Causing Some to Make Frequent Trips to the ER?

Thursday March 1, 2012
In a recent article from, concern is shown over the number of patients who visit the ER due to dental emergencies. I felt saddened by this reality because it reminded me of how many people go without dental care due to being uninsured and not being able to afford to see the dentist regularly or even for a toothache.
According to - "Florida Public Health Institute's Oral Health Coalition has analyzed quite recently the billing codes from Florida hospitals. It has been found that there is a considerable increase in the number of Florida patients who visit the ER with a toothache."
The problem with going to the ER for emergency dental care is the doctor's inability to properly diagnose or treat the problem. Sure, they can prescribe pain medicine and give some home care instructions that may or may not help, but that is very different from actually fixing the cause of the pain.
Many organizations have dealt with this issue by offering free dental screenings, fluoride treatments and sometimes even routine dental care for both adults and children. These types of programs are certainly beneficial to the public and I'm hoping to see more become available. If you or someone you know could benefit from these free screenings, you can visit the and websites for a full listing of upcoming dental clinics.
If you are a dental professional, this would be a great opportunity to give back to your community. As a dental professional myself, I plan to check into upcoming local dental clinics to volunteer my time and services as well. I can't think of a better way to help make sure everyone is able to receive the proper dental care needed for a healthy life.


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